You're one step away from learning tonfa!
Click the PayPal button to confirm your order (USD 49). All major payment cards accepted.
Your Tonfa Starter Pack includes 15 video lessons:
✔ Tonfa Introduction: Proper measurements, sizing & handling.
✔ Kihon - The Fundamentals: Essential defense and offense in an easy-to-remember solo template.
✔ 10 Kumite - Partner Applications: A prearranged set of tonfa vs. bo kumite based on the solo movements of kihon and kata.
✔ Hamahiga No Tonfa - 浜比嘉: The first tonfa-jutsu kata. Note: It's recommended that you learn kata in their correct order.
✔ Japanese Terminology: Including English terms for each technique of kihon, kumite and kata.
Each lesson includes step-by-step instructions with performances from 2 additional angles (in both regular speed & slow motion).
You will receive an email with details to access the material after your purchase is confirmed.