Learn Kobudo Online
Okinawan Kobudo Lessons For Bo, Sai, Tonfa, Nunchaku, Kama, Tekko, Eiku, Tinbe & Rochin

Traditional Kobudo From The Birthplace of Karate 沖縄
Founded by grandmaster Taira Shinken 平 信賢 (1897–1970) to preserve the ancient martial arts of Okinawa, before the modernization of Karate in mainland Japan.
Codified into a complete system of kihon, kata and kumite by Inoue Motokatsu 井上元勝 (1918-1993), the first man to be awarded 'Hanshi' (Menkyo Kaiden) by Taira Shinken.
Now you can rediscover Kobudo too! 古武道
Kobudo Mastery
Get Started Now!
It's recommended that you begin with a Starter Pack before kata tutorials.
Each pack includes 15 videos with detailed instructions in regular speed & slow motion - 24/7 lifetime access.
Bo Starter Pack
This course includes:
- Introduction - Sizing & Handling
- Kihon - Fundamental Techniques
- 10 Kumite - Partner Applications
- Shuji No Kon Sho 周氏の棍小
- Japanese Terminology
Bo Kata Tutorials:
1) Shuji No Kon Sho 2) Shuji No Kon Dai 3) Sakugawa No Kon Sho 4) Sakugawa No Kon Dai 5) Sueyoshi No Kon 6) Tsuken No Kon 7) Soeishi No Kon Sho 8) Soeishi No Kon Dai
Eiku (Oar): Tsukensunakake No Kon
Sai Starter Pack
This course includes:
- Introduction - Sizing & Handling
- Kihon - Fundamental Techniques
- 9 Kumite - Partner Applications
- Tsukenshitahaku No Sai 津堅志多伯
- Japanese Terminology
Sai Kata Tutorials:
1) Tsukenshitahaku No Sai 2) Chatanyara No Sai 3) Hamahiga No Sai 4) Tawada No Sai 5) Jigen No Sai (Manji)
Tonfa Starter Pack
This course includes:
- Introduction - Sizing & Handling
- Kihon - Fundamental Techniques
- 10 Kumite - Partner Applications
- Hamahiga No Tonfa 浜比嘉
- Japanese Terminology
Tonfa Kata Tutorials:
Kama Starter Pack
This course includes:
- Introduction - Sizing & Handling
- Kihon - Fundamental Techniques
- 10 Kumite - Partner Applications
- Tozan No Kama 遠山の鎌
- Japanese Terminology
Kama Kata Tutorials:
Nunchaku Starter Pack
This course includes:
- Introduction - Sizing & Handling
- Kihon - Fundamental Techniques
- 12 Kumite - Partner Applications
- Maezato No Nunchaku 前里
- Japanese Terminology
Nunchaku Kata Tutorial:
Tekko Starter Pack
This course includes:
- Introduction - Sizing & Handling
- Kihon - Fundamental Techniques
- 10 Kumite - Partner Applications
- Maezato No Tekko 前里
- Japanese Terminology
Tekko Kata Tutorial:
Tinbe & Rochin Starter Pack
This course includes:
- Introduction - Sizing & Handling
- Kihon - Fundamental Techniques
- 10 Kumite - Partner Applications
- Kanigawa No Tinbe 鐘川
- Japanese Terminology
Tinbe & Rochin Kata Tutorial:
Your Instructor
Jesse Enkamp
- 1st Okinawa International Tournament Finalist (第1回沖縄空手国際大会)
- World Kobudo Federation [WKF] Champion
- World Traditional Karate Association [WTKA] Kobudo Champion
- First Westerner awarded black belt in Maeda-Ryu 前田流 by Yuukou Tomimoto in Okinawa
- Taught by several Okinawan Kobudo grandmasters, including Nakamoto Masahiro (10th dan), Hokama Tetsuhiro (10th dan), Takehiro Gaja (9th dan), Kinjo Masakazu (9th dan) and Akamine Hiroshi (9th dan).
- Headlined seminars in 18 countries
- Carrot cake connoisseur

As Featured In:
Frequently Asked Questions
"Can I Join Kobudo Mastery?"
"What Equipment Do I Need?"
"How Long Does It Take To Master Kobudo?"
"Can I See A Free Sample/Preview?"
"What Style Is Best For Kobudo Training?"
"How Much Space Do I Need For Kobudo?"
"Will I Get A Belt or Certificate In Kobudo?"
"Can I Practice Kobudo On My Own?"

Andreas Quast, Germany
Award-Winning Historian & Author
"Since I am a passionate Kobudo practitioner myself, I was thrilled when I learned from a friend that Jesse has started this project. Although I traveled quite a bit for study, there are still some kata I couldn't get my hands on so far. For this reason, I was more than excited to find some of those "missing links" among Jesse's kata tutorials. I don't easily buy, but I was so intrigued that I immediately chose one of the katas I yearned for and was positively surprised about the presentation.
In the tutorial I chose, the performance of the kata is presented in front view at normal speed and in slow motion as well as in the side and back views. Now, in the days of talking karate heads everywhere, this might be considered unusual. Still, silence during practice is something I always enjoyed most during Karate and Kobudo: not much talking, but a clear and serious presentation of what is expected from you. With Jesse’s tutorial, I was able to acquire the techniques, combinations, and performance directions in just a few rounds. Right now, I have incorporated the kata into my regular practice routine.
The whole program is built didactically so you may start where you are right now. That is, for beginners, you might want to choose the starter package, for intermediate you just hop in right there, and even advanced Kobudo practitioners will find plenty of things to learn.
It was enormous fun and worked for me 100%. As a bonus, the prices are simply great, too! Least I forget: You can watch it as often as you like. There is no artificial secrecy and no recurring payments or regular compulsory participation in courses! That means you are free to study whenever and how often you like without having to marry Jesse!
Since there are also combative applications, you will be prepared substantially and can practice with a partner. If you have any questions, I am sure you will get adequate, on point feedback.
I recommend Kobudo Mastery to anyone interested in the ancient martial arts of the Ryukyu Islands, or Okinawa, that is, bo, sai, tonfa, etc."
More Testimonials
"To be honest, I approached the recently released Kobudo Mastery series with a great deal of cautious enthusiasm.
I know that my own transition to virtual learning with my teacher has been supported by years of studying karate and kobudo with him in-person. I've often told my partner that I couldn't imagine trying to learn karate virtually without my existing foundation nonetheless learning kobudo. So when I saw your announcement I LOVED the idea of learning from someone with your experience, but was hesitant to jump on board a virtual platform.
After reviewing some of your kobudo content on YouTube, I realized I would be missing a huge opportunity if I didn't check out at least one starter pack. Since I was working on the sai with my teacher I selected your sai starter pack... and I was hooked.
I've now jumped on board with the bo, and tonfa starter packs. After I let my wallet recover a little bit I'm sure I'll opt for more of the opportunities you offer. I really appreciate the intro, the basics offered in Kihon, and the partner Kumite. (My wife enjoys taking some shots at me with her bo too!)
Like you mentioned, "Online learning can never replace a real hands on instructor in the flesh,...but it's the next best thing."
Thank you again for taking the time to share your knowledge and experience on a virtual platform for us to enjoy and learn."
— Chris Minor, California
"In 2019, I hit a mid-life crisis, and kind of gave up on life and karate... Long story short, I got up to 307 pounds and got diagnosed with diabetes. That was my wake up call. I got back into karate, changed my eating and lifestyle habits, and lost 57 pounds. Had a good stride going until 6 months ago when I plateaued a bit un my weight loss. I realized I needed to set more goals to work towards to keep improving... Enter Kobudo Mastery.
In my school we have some basic kobudo kata, but I've always wanted to have as much knowledge in weapons as I do in empty hand. I've been following Jesse-san for years, hoping he would put out some tutorials. When I saw he was started a whole syllabus of all the Kobudo I would ever need, I jumped right on it. So far I have the Bo, Sai and Tonfa Starter Packs, with the next kata in sequence for each. I'm loving every minute.
Not only is Jesse-san's program giving me more goals as a martial arts, but it's also contributing to my physical and mental health by keep my body and mind busy. Also, I work and train in lower income areas where most people have never had exposure to something as fun as Kobudo, so this program gives me an opportunity to expose a whole new generation to this less-talked about side of karate history.
You're already changing lives with this program, Jesse-san, and you don't even know how much. Arigato Gozaimashita!"
— Rohan Davey, Maryland
"Jesse Enkamp is a great teacher! The videos are extremely well put together, no fluff, high quality audio and video.
Many times when I try to learn something through video, or when I try to teach through video, there's two things that are lacking: a different view point and a slower execution of the movements, and it's just these things that are offered in your videos!
- The basics are handled (holding the weapon, the stances, the basic movements) in a very clear way.
- Kihon, Kumite and Kata are well explained and demonstrated in front- and side-view, both normal speed and slow motion.
- All that at a very reasonable price!
When talking about price, the comment has been made that it's "not cheap", however, I think that isn't true at all! I paid just about 70€ for the basic Bo videos, one extra Kata and 1 hour of KNX footage! If you want to learn all that, I challenge you to find that costing less than a few 100€ - and I doubt you'll have video footage you can replay at your own leisure.
You don't even need to have any martial arts background to learn it using these videos, as even my wife - who only did a little judo when she was a kid - is starting to learn some moves!
I hope many more people find their way to your wonderful website, let's make Kobudo more mainstream!"
— Tim Nunes, Belgium